Some people are better at managing things as compared to others. They can plan what they should work on first so they can manage their time better. Some would need the right apps, software, or even a notebook and a pen just to remember all the things they need to do.

SharePoint allows project management and time tracking can be done easier. Still, you have to set it up so that it can be easy to use.

Quick Start Guide for Project Managers

Project managers need to know how to use this to their advantage. Some of the things that they have to remember are the following:

  • They can add new projects by clicking on the “new item” located in the projects list. Make sure that the required information is placed.
  • Decide whether the project should have their own sheet or if it would be under an ongoing project that would need additional tasks.
  • Add some work packages or project tasks depending on what is being required.
  • Take note that the SharePoint that you are using will determine if you need to sync all the details manually or automatically. If you are using SharePoint 2010, you still need to sync it manually. For SharePoint 2013, the synchronization will happen automatically.
  • Create some common tasks. If in case you do not understand what this is for, this will have all of the tasks that some of the team members usually do. You can add the common tasks that they will be including in their timesheets.
  • You can also create reports. The reports will include all of the timesheets that the employees will submit. You can use the timesheets and the reports to make more accurate invoices.
  • Use this to track the progress of the projects. This will let you know which tasks would need to be expedited and which ones should be prioritized. You will also know who among the team members are assigned to specific tasks so that you can give them direction if needed. 

Quick Start Guide for Team Members

There are some basic things that you have to know so that this will be easier to do.

  • Add the team members – Users will be added to different team projects. Each team member can come up with a personal calendar to avoid any confusion with the things that they have to do.
  • Place the service types – You need to categorize the work that your team is focused on. This will help reports become organized better.
  • Make the projects and work packages – You will be assigned projects to work on. The rest of the team members will be aware of what is in store for them. You can also plan the time needed for each project. The more aware that employees are, the more that they can manage their time.
  • Create common tasks and timesheets – You would like to create some tasks to remind those who are normally responsible for them. Timesheets will allow employees to allocate their time effectively. They can start working on projects better this way.
  • Track the progress of the tasks – You want to let team members know if they are on the right track. The amount of time needed to do work will be properly monitored. They will also know if they are making actual progress with the tasks that they have to create.

Time tracking and project management in SharePoint aren’t supposed to be complicated. Hopefully, the details that you have learned will help you use them better and more effectively than before.

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