There was a time when companies didn’t see the need to have an HR portal. As companies grew, they realized that it was getting harder to keep track of all of the employees and their personal information. Managing employees will be harder to do too.

Having the right HR portal can be a great thing. It will be easy to use and it will help do HR-related stuff. Some companies think that it is a technical upgrade. With all of the things that companies are handling right now, this should be a requirement.

What is an HR Portal?

The HR portal is a part of the company’s intranet. There can be different HR portals if needed. This can provide the resources that employees need. For example, whenever employees need to learn more about the company or understand what tasks they have to do, they can rely on the HR portal to provide them with the information they need.

Companies can build different HR portals depending on what they are searching for. Most companies would require the following:

  • Forms and company handbook
  • Announcement board (Important announcements can be placed here including birthdays)
  • Company calendar
  • Performance reviews
  • Employee benefits

What Should Be Placed on the Employee Portal

Your needs are going to be unique. Your company would need something different from other similar companies. Most would contain all of the resources that employees need. Whenever they have to learn something, they can check the portal and get the information that they need. 

Other things that should be placed on the HR portal are the following:

  • Tools – These are supposed to improve the capabilities of the employees. You can give them access to courses that they can take during their spare time. You can also give quizzes that will help them know how much they have learned so far. Details about their assessment can also be available here.
  • Resources for Career Growth – People know that to become successful, they need to always grow. Each employee should understand how he or she is beneficial for the company. There are career maps and paths that can be placed in the HR portal so that they will know what their next goal is going to be. Employees should also know what position they are aiming for. Employees can also be coaches on how they can become more integral members of the company.
  • Benefits – Employees want to know what their benefits are going to be. The more that they feel that they are being taken care of, the more that they will feel loyal towards the company. You would like loyal employees who will be as excited as you while allowing your company to grow bigger and better.

What are the Benefits of Using SharePoint?

There are different things that you can use to create an effective HR portal. These are some of the benefits that you can get:

  1. You will be able to manage and track all of the employees. This is easy if you only have about 15 employees in your company. What if you are managing 1,500 employees? The scenario is going to be different. You need the following details from your employees:
  2. Address
  3. Emergency Contact
  4. Training
  5. Certification
  6. Creating a template to help you provide the needed tools will also be easier. You can also integrate it with the other apps that you are using. Getting SharePoint can help you upgrade what you already have.
  7. The tools and resources are all going to be cloud-based. There is no need to have enough space for all the things that you want to provide to employees. Since all the tools are also cloud-based, they can access them anytime. If they would choose to study in the middle of the night because that is when their spare time is, that would be fine.
  8. Sharing all the latest news and announcements will be easier to do. This means that sending reminders will not be too hard. There are also reports on the performance across different job types, departments, and so much more.
  9. Easy user management. Ease of use is the number one reason why you are going to choose SharePoint. Some of your employees may not know a lot of technical details. You want to use something that everyone can use. SharePoint is inclusive and easy to understand.

Creating a Great Human Resources Page

There are some steps that you need to follow to create an amazing human resources page:

  1. Choose the right template. You want something easy to build and will allow you to integrate all of the things that can improve the visuals of the page.
  2. Know what you want to share with your employees. What are the pages that they can access? Decide on this ahead of time.
  3. Always translate the needed requirements on SharePoint web parts. For example, one web part will have all of the announcements. Another one will hold the benefits that employees can get.
  4. Create personal employee folders for each employee. This will make them feel like they have their own space.
  5. Provide all of the things that your HR department needs. From recruiting, hiring, and onboarding, make sure that all of the things they need are covered.
  6. Build the human resources page. Double-check if there are some mistakes.
  7. Make sure that the page is secure.

With all of these things in mind, you are going to have a great human resources page that even your employees can enjoy.

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